Sunday 2nd November the leading 8 Irish Trotteur Francais Drivers head for Normandy in France to compete against the French Drivers at Hippodrome D’Argentan.
Alan Wallace, Martin Loughran, John Richardson, Patrick Kane, Joseph Caffrey, Billy Roche, Sean Kane & Anthony Malone.
Monday 3rd November the next Trotteur Francais Sale commences where an Irish delegation are expected to select a further 40 horses to supplement the current stock for the 2015 season as the French invasion now spreads to the regions with Cork and Northern Ireland owners joining the queue for a slice of the action.
The leading Irish owned Trotter Francais Horse Romalus Augenaise’s owner Joseph Caffrey will be guest of honour at a Le Trot Gala Awards cermony in Vincennes on the weekend of 28th/30th November in Paris.
Leading Irish Trotteur Francais Driver Alan Wallace will wear the specially commissioned Irish driving colours at an international drivers race at Vincennes in Paris on the same weekend.