The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

International Weekend in Mallorca


What a rollercoaster of emotions it’s been, what an achievement to be on the international winners podium, what pleasure to hear our little racing country’s name in front of big international audience!

Proud moment for Harry Knows team. A very first Irish bred Trotteur Français with 12 wins out of 12 starts this season brought proud breeders Tina and Patrick Kane snr on the podium to be awarded among the best French trotters in Europe! Sentiment filled interview followed by a group singing Happy Birthday for Tina

Sean Kane, made his dream come true by winning 13th edition of Prix Recontres Internationales giving it flawless performance and bringing Ireland for the first time on the podium for this event! We are beyond proud for Sean, especially as he already had placed 2nd in this event in Paris a couple years ago. Now the dream come true!
Click for Race replay

We would like to thank all our Trotteur Français owners and breeders and supporters at home, because without you all this event would simple not happen for Ireland! Many thanks to Le Trot Département International and Federació Balear de Trot for hosting this weekend with such warmth!