The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

IHRA Notice re Licensing 2017…………

The following are mandatory requirements for licensing in 2017

  • Department of Agriculture Equine Premises Registration for all training establishment in the Republic of Ireland (see link on home page).
  • All Club memberships (ITHRF, SHRI & NISA) must be paid in advance to the respective Club and be confirmed by email to the IHRA Office in advance of clearance.
  • Personal Accident Insurance for all licence holders and handlers operating in the paddock at race meetings (owners, trainers, drivers & grooms) which is being provided through the IHRA at €50 for all over 18 yrs and €25 for those under 18 yrs.
  • All Horses must be in their correct ownership and must be exported from STAGBI to IHRA Stud Book ( not applicable to Trotteur Francais horses)