The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

IHRC Notice

The IHRC would like to advise all horse owners that there no agreed changes to the long standing contractual agreement between the IHRC and STAGBI with regards to the provision and processing of Equine Passport applications, Transfer of Ownership, Covering Certificates etc.

All applications will continue to be submitted and processed as normal through the IHRC c/o Lawless Yard, North Street Swords, Co. Dublin.

Owners are reminded to ensure that all applications are submitted with all necessary paperwork completed and signed together with the appropriate fees to avoid delays and late penalties.

The IHRC would further like to advise that we are currently in a process with the Department of Agriculture and Horse Sport Ireland with a view to becoming a Passport Issuing Organisation for the Standardbred breed (Pacer & Trotter) in Ireland.