The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association


Portmarnock Raceway will be open for qualifiers and workout on Sunday morning 4th May from 8am to 11am, SHRI membership fees of €100 must be paid by all individuals (owners, trainers & drivers) prior to participation as agreed at the AGM. A fee of €10 per horse will apply for workouts and qualifiers on Sunday morning which goes directly to a rent payment for the use of the track.

All IHRC Licence’s and Department of Agriculture Premises registration must be completed in advance of competition. The IHRC will have a representative available at Portmarnock on Sunday morning to deal with any licensing arrangements that are required and we would advise all parties wishing to race on Sunday 11th May that their licensing and membership fees MUST be in order prior to clearance from the IHRC.

A new dedicated number for race entries at Portmarnock will be available shortly which will include text and voice messaging, entries will close on Tuesday Night 6th.