The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

The Irish Harness Racing Association has new arrangements in place for Licence Renewal/Race Administration for 2015, we are currently in the process of writing to current and former licence holders with a detailed explanation and a copy of the 2015 Licence Renewal & Race Fee application forms (which are available to download ….). We are endevouring to write to everybody but may not have all the up to date mailing details.

Licence renewal and race fee applications will be processed centrally and will no longer by done by any of the Clubs in the regions, there is a Help Desk number 01-5310365 which will be manned Mon -Fri 9.00 – 5.30pm with an after hours messaging service to deal with any queries.

The new arrangements are part of the ongoing developments to bring our sport into line with our European and worldwide counterparts. We have invested a significant sum of money for a new central Database to manage our licensing , racing activity, handicapping and results functionality which is now operational with all of our 2014 racing data input and verified. This will ensure a seamless transition of all racing information between Ireland and Great Britain.

Your cooperation and understanding is now required to ensure that we can move forward and hopefully have a smooth transition. There are many benefits with this new database and much of this will become clearer when it is fully rolled out over the coming months.

The following are mandatory for Licence renewal and race clearance for the 2015 season:

  • Licence Renewal Form (all owners, trainers and drivers must be licensed)
  • Race Fee Form (each horse must have an assigned licensed owner and trainer)
  • Copy of the up to date Flu Vac records from horse’s passport.
  • Copy of section 11 Equine Identification (Page 7 or 9) of Horse’s passport (Trotteur Francais horses are excluded from this item as they are already held on file).
  • Proof of Registered Ownership (copy of certificate of registered ownership issued by STAGBI). Trotteur Francais horses are excluded from this item as they  come under the new IHRA passport arrangements.
  • Relevant Fees (cheques, Bank Drafts, etc to be made payable to IHRC as Banking arrangements have not yet been transferred to the new setup


1st Primary Vaccination must be given

     followed by

2nd Primary Vaccination

      between 21 and 92 days after the 1st Primary Vaccination

      followed by

3rd Primary Vaccination               

       between 150 and 215 days after the 2nd Primary Vaccination

 Subsequent Booster Vaccinations yearly from 3rd Vaccination [within 365 days]

 REMEMBER      The first two vaccinations must be given BEFORE a horse can be taken to a racetrack.

 REMEMBER     Vaccinations must be given at least 7 days before entering any racecourse premises.

 REMEMBER.     To COMPLETE the programme by having the third vaccination – the time for this could well be in the Autumn after the horse has been turned out for the winter.