The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association


Following the Regional Awardsnight for Portmarnock & Annaghmore Raceways, the IHRA are set to announce the overall award winners and subsequent runner ups in the combined three regions once racing is completed on this coming Sunday November 11th. The awards are based on the number of wins in the 2018 season and placings may determine […]

IHRA Trotteur Francais Drivers Top

The IHRA has confirmed that Vigo de Bassiere will be crowned as leading Irish Trotter in Vincennes at the International Weekend hosted by Le Trot in Paris in three weeks time. Sean Kane becomes best trot driver of  the season in Ireland in  professional category ( 18 wins, 21x 2nd, 23x 3rd places) & Jonathan Cowden in Apprentice category […]