The official website of the Irish Harness Racing Association

2018 Licence Renewal

The IHRA License renewal, Race Fee and Integrity Fee payments will all be processed using the new
online application forms which are now available on the ONLINE FORMS tab on the website home page.

It is envisaged that all license renewals should be completed prior to 30 th April or within 14 days of racing, all renewals on or after May 1 st will be subject to a 50% surcharge. Unfortunately an increase in fees is unavoidable, under Corporate Governance regulations the IHRA has to ensure that all operational costs of the organisation are sufficiently resourced.

Please note that the new Regional Track subscription replaces the previous regional club membership payments and these funds will be ring fenced for each region and will be the responsibility of the Racecourse Committee.

An Integrity fee of €25 per horse has been introduced and it is hoped that matching funding will be
sourced to cover the costs of an increased Integrity program for 2018.

All horses in training must be declared a minimum of 21 days prior to racing and a current Flu Vac
regime must be furnished to the IHRA Office.
Training declarations can be done by submitting the online 
Race/Integrity Fee form duly completed for each horse.